
Hypur is Coming to Outspoke

Hypur debuts on Outspoke in June

If you aren’t familiar with Outspoke already, our platform is equipped with a fully-functional marketplace environment for licensed business operators. In our pursuit to create a more compliant and empowering interface for transactions, we are proud to announce that Outspoke will be integrated with Hypur on June 15th.

Enhanced Security & Compliance

Outspoke is defined by the way it repurposes METRC data into an actionable toolkit for licensed cannabis business operators. We want to take this to the next level by offering Hypur transaction interfaces for our users. This is a monumental addition to the platform for a variety of reasons.

Foremost, legal cannabis markets have been plagued by debts for years and there are seldom accessible solutions for stakeholders to mediate this issue. Our Hypur-integration will offer licensed operators a compliant and secure portal for transacting all of their product.

The interface will serve as resource for any brand or distributor that needs to verify payment before sending product to purchasers. Not only will Outspoke’s Hypur-integration protect transacting partners, it will also ensure compliance through assuring against non-payments or consignments.

Hypur-Generated Data Visualizations on the Horizon

In addition to enhancing compliance and security, Outspoke will utilize Hypur to create data visualizations that operators can use strategically in the marketplace. Stay in touch for these exciting announcements!

Our company mission is underpinned by the ideal of offering actionable and immediate data. We have already achieved that with METRC. Hypur Is just our next step in the many more innovations to come.

If you’re looking to try Outspoke – it is available for no cost until June 15th. Sign up today or check out our latest video demo!